Audio Broadcast for Live Events

Simultaneous translation, tour guides, intercom and more.
Within a building, within a city or across the world - you decide.

Write us
What is linkbox?

linkbox is a system for transmitting audio signals over network in real time.

A microphone or a smartphone is used to record the sound.
The linkbox processes the signal and sends it to the local network or the Internet.
Via the network, the signal is distributed to connected smartphones.
Via the linkbox app, the signal can be played back.
What do I use linkbox for?
You want to offer an event in multiple languages or accompany a tour with audio?
Want to communicate with each other behind the scenes during an event?
What makes linkbox stand out?
linkbox can be tested for free. After that, linkbox is either available as a monthly subscription or can be purchased so there is no monthly cost.
Stream sync
Live streams (e.g. YouTube) usually have a delay of a few seconds. Linkbox offers up to 180 seconds of individual delay to create a live stream experience.
Data saving
At approximately 0.07 Mbps per listener, the data transfer rate is low enough to listen via mobile data.
You can use linkbox either on local wifi without internet, on local network and via cloud, or via cloud only.
You can change the number of channels and the number of listeners at any time. If there is ever a need for more for an event, day licenses are also available.
Get started right away
You can create a trial version with a few clicks and try linkbox.
Personal Support
If you have any questions, we can be reached by email or phone and will be happy to help.
The audio track can be recorded by the speaker and downloaded as a file.
You can see at any time how many people are listening to which channel at the moment.
Our offer: 1-2-3
1 free month - 2 channels - 3 listeners

Try our cloud solution now for one month for free. We only need your email address and name to verify your request.

We welcome feedback. Feel free to contact us if you like linkbox.


linkbox currently consists of three creative minds from Karlsruhe, Germany, who develop and produce. We manufacture and program our software & hardware in Germany.











If you are interested in any of our products, for questions to us or to linkbox, send us an email or via the contact form. You can also reach us directly at:

+49 721 61937950

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Die einfache und intuitive Bedienung von linkbox ist der Grund weshalb wir das System nicht nur für die Übersetzung von Events verwenden, sondern auch als Kommunikationstool für unsere Live-Produktionen.

Joel Thalmann


Wir sind begeistert von dem Funktionsumfang der linkbox: aktuelle Zuhörerzahlen – getrennt nach intern und extern und das Abrufen dieser bis zu 4 h rückwirkend, Sichtbar- bzw. Unsichtbarschalten einzelner Kanäle, die simple Lautstärkeregelung jedes Kanals sowie die Soundqualität und die Nutzung vor Ort sind super.

Angelika - Assistenz Gemeindeleitung

Elim Christengemeinde Hannover

linkbox ist ein sehr intuitiv aufgebautes System, mit einer einfachen Anbindung an das lokale Netzwerk. Die Monitoring Funktionen helfen auf einfache Art weiter.

Die Kommunikation mit dem linkbox Team ist sehr angenehm. Ideen und Optimierungen werden gerne aufgenommen und zeitnah umgesetzt.

Johannes - Technische Umsetzung

ICF Karlsruhe